SPECS Refrigeration: Service Disconnects

Did you know that there is more to your refrigeration and HVAC unit than meets the eye? Your HVAC unit and refrigeration condensing unit should have a service disconnect that is located outdoors at your condensing unit. The service disconnect exists to give...

Refrigeration Defrost Cycle

It may seem backwards to what your refrigerator is supposed to do, but did you know that your refrigeration system needs to run a defrost cycle? If you occasionally hear a humming noise from your refrigerator, you likely do not need to be alarmed! Your refrigerator is...

Air Conditioner Homework

As we approach the summer months and inevitably the summer heat, few things are more miserable than having an air conditioner that isn’t running at its capacity, is working too hard and raising your energy bills, or is flat-out broken. Not only can a broken or...
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