You Can Look, but Don’t Touch

You Can Look, but Don’t Touch

As children, lots of us may have had the urge to mash down those thin aluminum fins we see on an A/C unit. It’s an interesting sensation to the touch and you may have even noticed where someone has attempted to spell a word out by mashing them down. Most look at this...
Clear Lines – Full Hearts – Can’t Lose

Clear Lines – Full Hearts – Can’t Lose

It can be stressful and overwhelming to look over at your ice machine and see water leaking everywhere! For most, the immediate reaction is panic, which is normal. No one wants to see water where it should not be. Like many ice machine companies, SPECS Refrigeration...
Food Truck Refrigeration with SPECS

Food Truck Refrigeration with SPECS

In nearly every city you visit, you will see a food truck or two. Food trucks have become the cutting edge of today’s culinary scene because they offer portability and mobility as well as the efficiency of a commercial kitchen. However, it is obvious that space within...
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