• Don’t use improper chemicals. Overly harsh cleaners such as CLR or cleaners that are not properly diluted can eat the plating off of an evaporator and damage other parts of the machine. Cleaning or sanitizing your machine with improper chemicals will void your warranty in most cases.
  • Do have your ice machine professionally cleaned as needed with regular water filter changes. Most manufacturers recommend a professional cleaning twice per year with some manufacturers recommending monthly cleanings for certain models.
  • Don’t try to remove ice from a frozen-up freeze plate with any sharp metal object like a screwdriver, ice pick, or knife. If your machine is frozen up – Do shut off the machine and let it thaw naturally or help it along with some warm water. Freeze ups are abnormal and indicate a problem with your machine. Call a service company to come out and diagnose the issue.
  • Don’t restrict airflow to the machine or put it in a confined or unventilated space such as a closet if you have an air cooled machine.
  • Don’t allow an air cooled machine to operate in a room that is regularly over 90 degrees in the summer. It puts a heavy strain on the compressor and shortens the life of the refrigeration system. If the air temperature entering the machine gets over 100 degrees the machine will produce very little ice (if any) and may shut down due to excessively high heat. Air cooled machines are not designed to run in spaces that exceed 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Don’t cover or block the air vents that are usually found on the sides, front, or top of air cooled machines. These vents allow airflow in or out for the machine to operate.
  • Don’t leave machine where ambient temps could go below freezing unless the machine has been properly winterized and the water has been removed from all parts of the machine. Water freezing inside the brittle plastic reservoirs, hoses, and water distributors can easily destroy them and, in some cases, can permanently destroy the entire machine.
  • Do change water filters and clean condenser air filters and condenser coils regularly.
  • Don’t restrict water flow to a water-cooled machine or plumb in the water-cooled condenser on a water-cooled machine through the water filter that filters the ice making section. Most of the water that goes into a water-cooled machine is used to cool the system. Only a relatively small fraction of that water gets turned into ice. On a water cooled machine there is a cooling inlet and an ice making inlet. The water filter should be plumbed to the ice making inlet only. The water-cooled condenser does not require filtered water. Plumbing the condenser through the filter that is supposed to purify the water being made into ice will use up the filter in a matter of days when it should last several months.
  • Don’t plumb your ice machine into hot water. Whether air-cooled or water-cooled, your ice machine should never be plumbed into heated water. Every additional degree the water entering the machine has to be cooled to reach its freeze point equals more work for your machine, slower production times, and less ice being produced. Always plumb your machine into the cold water supply.

SPECS Refrigeration in Lubbock, Texas, provides commercial refrigeration, ice machines, scientific refrigeration, and controls solutions throughout West Texas. Our highly-trained technicians are ready to assist with whatever issue you may have. Call SPECS Refrigeration in Lubbock, Texas, today to learn more!

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